Interactive decor works long-term and consistently improves your brand perception.

Interactive decor is your brand new marketing. Don’t miss this opportunity and contact our team of seasoned experts.

Trust professionals!

+44 7858 037852
9:00 am – 5:00 pm (Mon–Fri)

Turn-Key interactive lighting projects

Your brand new marketing

Success comes to those who wow their audience and create the most effective emotional brand experience.

Interactive lighting is a powerful marketing tool working non-stop to promote your venue.

All eyes on you, and in the most natural way. Static decorations will never work this magic!

Impress people like never before. Digital lighting for your facade & public spaces – your brand’s new growth point!


Create positive brand experiences

Delight your audience every day with ever-relevant digital content. The stunning atmosphere draws them in, entertains them and motivates them to return!


Use DMX for facades and interiors

Create a unique appearance for your facility to level up your marketing. DMX decorations are truly versatile and last for years!


All eyes on you

Digital decor evokes a more vivid experience for the audience than static decorations. You can update the content regularly with the flick of a switch.

Discuss your project with us

Let’s start working on your project today.
Hassle-free turn-key interactive architectural lighting projects with a guarantee.
A wow experience for your audience is assured!

Improve Your Brand Perception

Interactive décor engages people to interact (look, touch, take a picture or perform another action) and evokes positive emotions. The deeper it is designed, the more powerful ‘wow effect’ and the more positive emotions it produces!

Gain more brand mentions

Increase the number of photos, videos, geo-tags, hashtags and messages that your audience generates in a decorated facility. They will be eager to share the good vibes with their friends and acquaintances on social media and messenger. Let people generate positive PR for you all year round!

Get worthy newsbreaks

With the support of your marketing team, interactive décor will generate a lot of quality newsbreaks. You can also take part in city and regional competitions for the best commercial facility décor or urban environment design.

Stay on-trend every day

Create endless points of attraction for your audience and impress them in many different ways! The animation and video sequences are programmable so you can easily change the décor theme from seasonal to festive and back again.

Strengthen your market position

Whether you just want to refresh your brand or are aiming to become number one, interactive décor is the perfect solution. These days, whole departments are busy inventing new ways for companies to interact with audiences. Emotion marketing, Behavioural marketing and Impression marketing are the latest buzz words. Get it off your plate. Leave it to us!